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Which 'Suits' Character Are You?

By Tabitha McDonald

Every law student has watched Suits – and if you say you haven’t, I don’t believe you. In my first year, a lecturer asked us to go around the class and share why we had chosen this degree. She got to approximately the fourth student before turning to the entire class and asking, ‘how many of you chose law because of Suits?’


Another student piped up ‘I chose it because of Legally Blonde.’ 


No one can deny that the media we consume plays a significant role in shaping our interests. Our interests then go on to shape our passions, and so on, until a room full of first years find themselves twiddling their thumbs, wondering when they get to start dating Meghan Markle and praying they develop late-onset photographic memory. 


But what separates a Louis Litt from a Harvey Spector? A Mike Ross from a Rachel Zane? Is there any difference at all? Or at the end of the day, is every law student just another boring old suit?


Find out which Suits character you truly embody with our ANU-specific personality quiz, written by someone who has only-kind-of watched the show.  


1.  Where do you study?

a.  Marie Rae or nothing.

b.  Cafes

c.  Law Library, duh.

d.  Coombs

e.  Chifley basement

f.  At home.


2.  How do you study?

a.  Two’s a crowd.

b.  With my phone in a lock box.

c.  In a large study group – keep your enemies close.

d.  With whoever will have me.

e.  Pomodoro method and lo-fi.

f.  Study?


3.  How do you get to campus?

a.  Uber

b.  Walk

c.  Car

d.  Electric scooter

e.  Public transport.

f.  Bike


4.  How far in advance do you do your essays?

a.  Depends how interested I am.

b.  Night before.

c.  Well in advance.

d.  Quickly, but to a high quality.

e.  I get to it in-between my busy schedule.

f.  It’s not referenced but the argument is great.


5.  What did you pair your law degree with?

a.  Sex appeal

b.  I don’t study law.

c.  Political Science

d.  Accounting

e.  Straight law

f.  Arts


6.  What’s your favourite thing to eat on campus?

a.  Bagel from Otto’s.

b.  Cronut from Coffee Lab.

c.  Smoothie from Milligram.

d.  Lunch Bowl from Urban Tiger.

e.  Sushi from Sushi Smith.

f.  Pork Buns from Daily Market.


7.  Where do you get your campus coffee?

a.  Otto’s

b.  Chatime 

c.  Coffee Lab

d.  As You Like It

e.  Rex

f.  Craft Beans


8.  Would you ever jump in Sully’s Creek for a dare?

a.  Already have – it’s a campus legend.

b.  Not in these shoes.

c.  Definitely not.

d.  I got pushed.

e.  No! Think of the river rats.

f.  How much would you bet me?


9.  Who did you vote for in Triple J’s Hottest 100?

a.  Lovin On Me – Jack Harlow

b.  Paint the Town Red – Doja Cat

c.  Say Yes To Heaven – Lana Del Ray

d.  Vampire – Olivia Rodrigo

e.  What Was I Made For? – Billie Eilish

f.  Back on 74 – Jungle


10.  What is your university dating life like?

a.  Moose hook-ups.

b.  Dating apps, mostly.

c.  People are too scared to ask me out.

d.  I’m an ANU Crushes Top Contributor.

e.  I have ANU Crushes written about me.

f.  I have a tute crush.


11.  What is your preferred weekend activity?

a.  Afternoon schooner at Badger & Co.

b.  Day trip to Jervis Bay.

c.  Molonglo Valley wine tour with the gals.

d.  Friend date to the National Gallery.

e.  Going home to visit family.

f.  Bouldering at BlocHaus.

12.  What sport do you enjoy?

a.  Basketball

b.  Pilates

c.  I go to the gym.

d.  Tennis

e.  Running

f.  I enjoy watching sports.


13.  What is your choice of Canberra bar?

a.  Molly

b.  Highball

c.  White Rabbit Cocktail Room

d.  Dear Prudence

e.  Blackbird bar

f.  Badger & Co.


14.  What is your favourite Canberra attraction?

a.  What’s on at GIO Stadium?

b.  Canberra Balloon Spectacular

c.  National Library

d.  Floriade

e.  Canberra International Film Festival

f.  Questacon


15.  Who is your favourite Suits character?

a.  Mike

b.  Rachel

c.  Jessica

d.  Harvey

e.  Donna

f.  Louis



Mostly A’s – Harvey

Congrats! You are a suave gentleman with a boyish charm. While you haven’t disappointed your mother, the same can’t be said for the other women in your life. Keep up the great work Harvey – your emotional range will develop eventually.


Mostly B’s – Donna

If self-love was an illness, you would be a terminal case! You do things your way or the highway. Sometimes this comes off as abrasive, but chin up Donna, abrasive is the new black.


Mostly C’s – Jessica

You are a Jessica!  While you like a loyal group of friends, you also know how to make it on your own. You’re a girl boss and you don’t care who knows it! Keep gaslight gatekeeping your way to the top.



Mostly D’s – Louis

While you may not be ‘literally him’ you’re literally a superstar at what you do! Stay in your lane and don’t let the moves of others distract you. While socialising may not be your greatest strength, you pull through for your friends when it matters.



Mostly E’s – Rachel

Your work ethic is insane! While you may not be the best at work-life balance, your commitment to achieving your goals and aspirations is admirable. Cut out more time for yourself to enjoy the things you love. Like seriously. Please go home. Your friends are worried.


Mostly F’s – Mike

You’re a Mike, and people hate you because they ain’t you! You succeed in almost anything you undertake with low effort, and honestly, it’s bloody annoying. Work on trying to find joy in activities you aren’t naturally good at, and you might learn a thing or two.


Peppercorn is the official publication of the ANU Law Students’ Society (LSS). The views and opinions expressed in Peppercorn are those of their respective authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Peppercorn, the ANU LSS, or any sponsors. Due care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of each article, and that the views and opinions of any named individuals or organisations are taken into account where relevant.

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