By Toni Mathers

Which law meme speaks to you most?

Pick a procrastination method:
A) Travelling
B) Volunteering
C) Partying
D) Sports
E) Reading
F) Reading the AFR
Pick a reason to study law
A) To change the world
B) To help people
C) Coz I’m an overachiever
D) Because of my own personal experience with the law
E) To make money
F) To prove to people you are smarter than them
Pick an ANU study spot
A) Menzies Library
B) The Art Library
C) Hancock Library
D) Chifley
E) The Law Library
Buy some lunch in Kambri
A) Bubble Tea from Chatime
B) A lunch bowl from Asian Tiger
C) A schooner from Badger & Co
D) Banh Mi from What the Pho
E) A coffee from Rex
F) I brought food from home (saving money)
Pick a motivational quote to help you study
A) "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar
B) "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." -Napoleon Hill
C) “You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them." -Shonda Rhimes
D) “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius
E) "I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it." -Estée Lauder
F) "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." -Steve Jobs
Which ANU society is the most you?

Mostly As – Commercial Law
Congratulations! You are officially destined to fulfil the classic law-student stereotype and go full Harvey Spectre as a commercial lawyer!
Commercial lawyers deal with issues pertaining to business transactions. They may draft client agreements, negotiate employment contracts or write purchase agreements.
Your best shot to get into commercial law is doing a clerkship in your penultimate year. This is an internship where you can experience a couple of areas of law and a firm. Graduate lawyers are usually selected from the clerks.
Mostly Bs – Criminal Law
Congratulations! Your many hours of watching Law & Order has paid off, and you are destined to tackle the world of criminal law!
Criminal justice lawyers either work with individuals accused of a crime and represent their cases in criminal court or they work for the state to try to prosecute those accused.
You can either work as a prosecutor or defence lawyer. To prosecute you need to work for the DPP. They have a graduate program you apply to during your final year. Defence lawyers can either be private or public (Legal Aid). Legal Aid in some states have a similar graduate program to the DPP, while private law you have to apply specifically to the firm. Becoming a paralegal first is a good way to get a foot in the door.
Mostly Cs – Community legal centres
Congratulations! You officially have a heart, and are destined to defy the classic law-student stereotype and actually do some good in the world by working for a Community Legal Centre!
Community legal centres are independent, non-profit, community-based organisations that provide free and accessible legal and related services to everyday people, including people experiencing discrimination and disadvantage.
Community Legal Centres include legal aid, the Aboriginal Legal Centre, the Tenants Union, Women’s Legal Centre, Street Law and more. These places sadly don't receive a lot of funding so it can be hard to break in. Some have graduate programs; the others take lawyers through seek and other advertising. Again, being a paralegal or working there during law school is a good bet to begin.
Mostly Ds – Family Law
Congratulations! You’ve got the wit, compassion, and stamina to make it in the sometimes messy, but ultimately rewarding, area of family law.
Most family law practices focus on representing clients in a divorce and the issues related to divorce such as the division of marital property, child custody and support, and alimony. Family law can also either be through a community legal centre or private. Larger firms have graduate intakes however a lot will hire internally so try to be involved where you can.
Mostly Es – In-house
Congratulations! Your sharp focus and excellent prioritisation skills makes you the perfect fit to practice as an in-house lawyer.
Essentially in-house lawyers look after the legal needs of the organisation they work for. They handle most every day legal issues and then can pair up with commercial firms for more complex issues. Organisations like Coca-Cola, Apple, Woolworths etc. all would have lawyers on Staff. Since they only have one client, there is no focus on recruiting clients or billables.
Most people work at a firm for a while first before transitioning in-house. That can be a good way to make connections and get to know businesses. Most junior roles are pitched somewhere between 2-4 years or 3-5 years post qualification experience.
Mostly Fs – International Law
Congratulations! You’re a perfect fit to fulfil the classic ANU Law/IR stereotype and head into the practice of international law!
An international lawyer focuses their legal practice on international disputes. These types of disputes may include international business, trade, or criminal issues. This can be matters from private business transactions to Human Rights Law or working for the ICC. Government agencies and private firms hire lawyers to practice international law. Many times, these employers expect lawyers to practice other fields of law in addition to international law.
There are many volunteer internships to begin, for example volunteering for the UN or on international courts/ tribunals. Of course, these positions aren’t necessarily easy to come by, but you can always cite your result in this quiz as evidence you’re the perfect match!